Dr. Bill
The Team
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Us Apart
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With Thanksgiving coming up soon, we wanted to take some time to share what we’re feeling most thankful for this year: family and good health. Our families are our rock. They are the foundation of love and support that keeps us going. We’re grateful for not only our families, but also for the friends and coworkers that have turned into family over the years. We couldn’t do everything we do without you!

What we love most about Thanksgiving is that there is no commercialism. It’s simply a time to unwind and enjoy the company of our loved ones with great food. And speaking of great food, we can’t wait to whip up our delicious broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole. It’s always a hit!

While Thanksgiving is a great reminder to be grateful, we believe we should try to cultivate that mentality of gratefulness all year. One of the ways we love doing this is by having some daily devotion time with Jesus. It really goes a long way in terms of keeping us mindful and grounded.

What will you be up to this Thanksgiving? Whether you’re traveling, laying low, or having a big family gathering, we would love to hear about it!